Hayride at Galley Farm
Here are some pictures from the hayride at Galley farm. It was funny because when we left the house, it was beautiful outside, but when we went to go on the hayride, it started raining pretty hard (good thing it was sheltered) but when we got to the pumpkin patch, it suddenly stopped raining and felt like it warmed up 5 degrees immediately. So, that was lucky. Anyway, this was Jackson's first experience picking out a pumpkin and he picked a little one, and told me to pick out "the mommy" one. So, we got two. The little puppy he is holding is a prize he won at the carnival games. Also, I bought one of those backpack carriers and it worked great today with Avery because we couldn't bring a stroller for the most part. She had a blast in there and could see everything so it was great!
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