Halloween Party 2006
Every child had an instrument (Jackson has a morocca) and they had a Halloween music train where they walked around and sang songs and made music. I think Jackson really just wanted to keep playing!
Tonight we went to a Halloween party at the Gordon Head Rec Centre. Jackson was a caterpillar (he was so pumped when we found that one!), Avery was a ladybug (the cutest one ever) and I was a dental hygienist (I know, lame hey). The kids had tons of fun; there was lots to do like crafts, gooey stuff to feel (remember that? - peeled graped for eyeballs, etc.), lots of play equipment, songs, and storytime (Avery budged right through all the kids and sat her little bum right down in the front, right on top of a little boy's leg - she is getting to be very independent). Jackson loved all the crafts and the play equipment the best (he was getting really hot though and refused to take off his costume) and Avery loved the playhouse (she played with those shutters forever). Anyway, here are some pics.
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