Jackson's chair (or is it Avery's?)
Jackson has this little chair that I bought him (those of you with kids probably have them or have seen them) because he was missing his fancy recliner back home. However, I think Avery actually likes it better than Jackson. At every opportunity, she climbs on it, sits in it, wrestles with it... etc. She points at the picture of the "Backyardigans" (cartoon characters) and laughs hysterically as well. It 's so cute. That is her latest thing lately. She points to Jody's picture on our mantle and says "da da da da..." and wants up to see the picture better. She also says "dat dat dat, (which actually sounds different than "da da da") and points to random stuff. I think she is asking "what's that" because she looks at you expectantly after. Jody is not here anymore. He left on Tuesday morning but he will be back in the beginning of December so she will have him to point at instead of just his picture!
I can certainly appreciate the "dat dat, dat" comments from Avery - when Blake was little he pointed to everything and said "wha dat, wha dat, wha dat??" - and he would have been about Avery's age. They are both cute as buttons - glad to see they are enjoying their time in BC.
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