Olivia, Jody, Jackson and Avery

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pumpkin Carving 2006

Below- I don't remember what they were all looking at but it must have been pretty exciting!
We went to a pumpkin patch today out at Galley Farms, which has lots of other attractions at it as well (check out the next couple blogs to see - they had a corn maze too that we didn't get chance to go in as well). The patch was great, really big with tons of good pumpkins to choose from. After we went home after being out all morning, we (Auntie Tasha, I and the kids) all went home for a long, much needed nap. Then we we woke up, we ate supper and went straight to work on the pumpkins. Jackson didn't want to touch the goo at first but he got a little braver at the end. Avery, well, you can see in the pictures that she wanted nothing to do with the goo. But, she really liked crawling on the crinkly newspaper and holding the permanent marker, pretending to draw on the pumpkins. The pumpkins turned out well, but next year I think we will need a sharper knife! Anyway, we don't have a visible-from-the-street porch but our front window faces the front doors so we put our pumpkins on the inside window ledge so everyone who comes to our building can see them!

Pumpkin Carving part 2

Avery kept sticking her finger in the "O" letters in the word "Boo" on the pumpkin as if she expected to find something in there. Maybe pumpkin goo?
Jackson insisted that I put a moustache on the pumpkin and this was the best I could come up with!

You can't tell from these pictures, but Jackson put his flashing Halloween necklaces (safety thing for kids) in the pumkins and they lit up really cool!

Hayride at Galley Farm

Here are some pictures from the hayride at Galley farm. It was funny because when we left the house, it was beautiful outside, but when we went to go on the hayride, it started raining pretty hard (good thing it was sheltered) but when we got to the pumpkin patch, it suddenly stopped raining and felt like it warmed up 5 degrees immediately. So, that was lucky. Anyway, this was Jackson's first experience picking out a pumpkin and he picked a little one, and told me to pick out "the mommy" one. So, we got two. The little puppy he is holding is a prize he won at the carnival games. Also, I bought one of those backpack carriers and it worked great today with Avery because we couldn't bring a stroller for the most part. She had a blast in there and could see everything so it was great!

Train Ride at Galley Farm

These are pictures of the train ride we went on. It was great and the kids really enjoyed themselves. They had a big set up like an old ghost town(only a very small part shown) and had a bunch of different displays like the egyptian nile with fully functioning waterfall (shown), and moving animals. Also, they had a giant dragon, priate ship (shown) and lots of other ones I can't remember. It was about 25 minutes long and worth the cold weather.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Halloween Party 2006

Every child had an instrument (Jackson has a morocca) and they had a Halloween music train where they walked around and sang songs and made music. I think Jackson really just wanted to keep playing!

Tonight we went to a Halloween party at the Gordon Head Rec Centre. Jackson was a caterpillar (he was so pumped when we found that one!), Avery was a ladybug (the cutest one ever) and I was a dental hygienist (I know, lame hey). The kids had tons of fun; there was lots to do like crafts, gooey stuff to feel (remember that? - peeled graped for eyeballs, etc.), lots of play equipment, songs, and storytime (Avery budged right through all the kids and sat her little bum right down in the front, right on top of a little boy's leg - she is getting to be very independent). Jackson loved all the crafts and the play equipment the best (he was getting really hot though and refused to take off his costume) and Avery loved the playhouse (she played with those shutters forever). Anyway, here are some pics.

Halloween Party 2006 cont.

Peek- a - boo!!
Jackson's craft he made (one of many). It's a Halloween lantern (check out the three eyeballs). haha
I think I am the only one who wanted to be in this picture!

She loved that playhouse!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Brushing hair and Avery's walker

This first picture is cute because Jackson insisted on brushing Avery's hair after her bath and she is looking at me like "Are you gonna let him do this?"

Avery loves to play with Jackson's old walker. I am really glad we brought it. Thanks Mandy!

There is something about this last picture that I just like!

Jackson's chair (or is it Avery's?)

Jackson has this little chair that I bought him (those of you with kids probably have them or have seen them) because he was missing his fancy recliner back home. However, I think Avery actually likes it better than Jackson. At every opportunity, she climbs on it, sits in it, wrestles with it... etc. She points at the picture of the "Backyardigans" (cartoon characters) and laughs hysterically as well. It 's so cute. That is her latest thing lately. She points to Jody's picture on our mantle and says "da da da da..." and wants up to see the picture better. She also says "dat dat dat, (which actually sounds different than "da da da") and points to random stuff. I think she is asking "what's that" because she looks at you expectantly after. Jody is not here anymore. He left on Tuesday morning but he will be back in the beginning of December so she will have him to point at instead of just his picture!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Joe Boxer twins!

I found some pajamas like Jackson's to fit Avery so I had to take pictures. They look so much alike!

More Cute pictures

I love this picture (above) becuase she is just using her little index finger to play the piano very carefully and calm as can be. I think it shows her little laidback personality. The one below is cute too.

Jackson built this whole floor puzzle one day when I was busy doing something. He was so proud to show me that I had to take a picture.
This is the best picture ever! They are in their laundry hamper. This was Jackson's idea one evening after baths (Hence Avery's nakedness)

Jackson gets to play video games sometimes and he loves it. His favorite games are a puzzle game and a racing game. He gets so into it and he is actually pretty good at most of the games.

Cute Pictures

Jackson loves to "read". He has a really great memory and he can recite alot of his books and he knows when to turn the pages. In this picture, he is reading "The Red Ripe Strawberry, the Little Mouse and the Big Hungry Bear". It is one of his favorites. He knows all the words.
Yay! Finally! Pigtails!
Avery loves the song "If you're Happy and you Know it, clap you hands". She knows to clap her hands as soon as the beginning of the song comes on. It's so cute.
Okay, this one is the best! Jackson decided that he wanted to put his pajamas on backwards but I didn't think this is what he meant!