Olivia, Jody, Jackson and Avery

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Activities at Gorge Park

Looking for Easter eggs during the easter egg hunt and children's races (above), Avery watching the races (below)Avery, clearly bored of the races (above) and playing at the park before the egg hunt began.(below)It started to rain after a while (of course) so Avery had to wear her rain poncho. Doesn't she look impressed?
The two above pics are after we got home form Gorge park and the kids are just relaxing. Avery is playing with her babies (as usual) an Jackson is playing computer games.

Egg Decorating!

After our Easter egg hunt, Daddy put Avery down for a nap while Jackson and I made Easter eggs. He did a great job as you can see.

Easter Morning!

This morning Jackson was so excited that the Easter bunny had come overnight and hid a bunch of eggs. Him and Avery got right to it searching for the eggs and were very successful. Avery was even a great help and found lots of the eggs that were hidden in little corners and under tables, etc. She only tried to eat through the tinfoil once. Jackson found all the ones I thought were hidden so well, including on top of picture frames and in containers. Next time, I will have to tell the Easter bunny that he needs to hide the eggs better!

Cute pics

Avery giving one of her babies a kiss (above) and a hug (below).

Jackson singing his little heart out.
Jackson dancing.

Opening presents from Grandma

Jackson's new soccer outfit. Avery got an Adidas track suit but it wil fit her next year.
Avery rolling around in her gifts.
Sharing smarties.
Tired after opening all the boxes!
What tiny feet you have Avery!
More smarties!
My mom went to Vegas at the beginning of March and sent the kids two huge boxes of stuff from her trip. She often sends us packages and these ones were full of great stuff. Jackson liked his new soccer outfit and Mommy loved all the cute clothes for the kids. My fav present was Avery's new Nike shoes. Thanks Mom!