Olivia, Jody, Jackson and Avery

Monday, December 04, 2006

Avery and her Grandpa

My Dad was just down visiting and we went out to do a touristy kind of drive one of the days he was here. Jackson was not feeling well and fell asleep in the truck almost as soon as we left the parkade, but Avery was up and restless so we took her out of the truck to see the water. She doesn't look too impressed but oh well!

Jackson and Avery being silly

Jackson and Avery are so funny sometimes. They have this great connection and I love to be able to capture it in photos. In the pictures of them laying backwards on the couch, they were both standing there as I got the camera ready and they both decided to fall backwards onto the couch at the same time over and over and over again. They were both laughing so hard by the end and they were in their own little world. The ones of them having their snack were taken because Avery kept stealing Jackson's cheese even though she had her own and she thought it was the funniest thing. Jackson, luckily, agreed and kept trying to hide his cheese so she couldn't reach it.

First Snow of the Winter

Well, just our luck, the first year we get to Victoria and they have a record snowfall for December! Of course, the whole city shut down and some people had no power for 5 days ( some still don't have it). The city was definitely unprepared for this much snow so early in the season. We were lucky and haven't had a problem with our power! Phew! And, at least Jackson and I got a "snow day" out of the deal and got to stay home on the Monday! The unexpected long weekends are the best kind!